Catalogs are more than just item lists; they play a critical part in delivering savings. Buyers are focused on getting essential supplies quickly, which can often conflict with procurement’s strategic category savings goals.
That’s why your procurement software must offer an intuitive, user-friendly interface. If it requires buyers to run through a maze of processes and forms, they may not use it at all, which means more off-contract, non-compliant buying. What you need is a procure-to-pay system with a consumer-like shopping experience, ensuring compliance and contract utilization.

Make Purchasing Easy With GEP SMART
GEP SMART's procurement software solution integrates everything in one place, making it easy for buyers to purchase the goods and services they want, when they want – just like they would on a consumer shopping portal. Buyers can select from visual, content-rich pre-approved catalogs without worrying about compliance. That’s not all. With punch-out catalogs, buyers can also purchase directly from supplier portals while remaining within GEP SMART.

The GEP SMART Advantage
Punch-Out Catalogs
No more manual catalog maintenance. Find a consolidated list of items from all supplier websites, external procurement applications or hosted e-procurement systems in one place — GEP SMART.
Hosted Catalogs
Eliminate the need to integrate complex e-commerce systems or rely on third-party operators — GEP SMART’s hosted catalogs make it easy for suppliers to sell more and for enterprises to buy better.
Guided Buying
Purchase goods and services through optimal buy-pay channels and preferred suppliers. Customize the guided buying process to suit your preferences and boost compliance with GEP SMART.
Blanket Order
Effectively manage recurring, pre-specified purchases, drive higher buying compliance and achieve leaner operations with AI-powered GEP SMART.
Catalog Maintenance
Give your suppliers access to maintain, update and refresh their catalogs, customize pricing and inventory, and enjoy a consistent shopping experience.
Contract Utilization
Track your contract utilization and evaluate whether your hard-negotiated contracts are delivering optimal value and savings with GEP SMART.