The success of any procurement transformation program depends on effective transition and change management. They require significant changes impacting people, processes and technology — and must be communicated and implemented with sensitivity, forethought and clarity. GEP helps enterprises achieve long-term, sustainable results from their transformation programs through effective change management practices. We drive the change management initiative through meticulous planning, collaborative ownership and well-defined tools and methodologies.
Building a Foundation for Sustainable Change
GEP’s structured approach ensures that every stage of your procurement transformation is guided by thoughtful planning, stakeholder alignment, and continuous improvement to achieve lasting success.
Current-State Assessment
Managing a procurement transformation journey requires a deep understanding of an enterprise’s structure, meticulous planning, and a collaborative approach involving all stakeholders impacted by the change. GEP adopts a systematic approach, which starts with a thorough and comprehensive assessment of the impact of the change, followed by execution and continuous improvement to help clients achieve and sustain their strategic, operational and financial objectives.
Stakeholder Management
GEP diagnoses the “as is” state of the procurement function to understand the potential impact of the transformation program on stakeholders. The diagnosis sets the stage for the creation of a change strategy and action plan. Change impact and stakeholder assessments are initiated to understand the effect on existing procurement processes.
Effective Deployment
A high-level change plan is then developed to gain buy-in from executives and stakeholders, with a road map that ensures effective adoption of change through the introduction of best practices. Effective integration of diverse project components is achieved. A go-live readiness assessment of change management interventions is carried out to identify gaps and develop a sustainability plan.
Training & Communication
Through tailored orientation workshops, training, and communication strategies, the change is marketed across the enterprise. Training and development programs are designed with a view to helping clients scale the procurement maturity curve quickly and efficiently. Support is provided through constant engagement via various communication channels, and by incentivizing early adopters of the change.