Unrivaled supply chain and procurement expertise + the transformative power of AI
World-class skills, experience and know-how — amplified by the power of AI
This page contains the GEP logo and its variations for use by analysts and publications. You may use these logos for editorial purposes only as per the GEP brand guidelines. For any additional information and queries, please write to us at info@gep.com
The GEP logo stands for balance and harmony, and our commitment to quality and wholeness. It represents our tradition of integrating diverse ideas and solving complex problems.
Authorized usage: Use of the GEP logo is subject to review and approval.
Use files provided below: Do not alter, recreate, or redraw the logos.
Screen minimum size: The absolute minimum size of the logo (on non-Retina screens) is 200px wide. On Retina screens, use the logo at 400px wide.
Clear space: The height of the "G" in "GEP" is the best gauge of minimum margins (clear space) around the logo. Any other artwork, logo, shape, page edge, etc. should appear at least that distance from all sides of the logo.
The clear space is the area surrounding the signature that should remain free of all other text and graphic elements. The clear space around the GEP signature is determined by the distance “x”, a unit of measurement surrounding each side of the signature, as shown in the diagram below.
To ensure the prominence and clarity of the GEP logotype, a minimum clear space requirement is established.
Due to a number of constrains, challenges may arise when applying the GEP logotype. To provide the greatest degree of flexibility, we recommend the alternatives shown below. Whenever possible, please use the full color version.