In a high-stakes scenario like M&A, where everything boils down to realizing synergies, a “clean room” can be invaluable. It provides enterprises working on an M&A deal with a safe environment for comparing sensitive data, allowing for a much faster assessment of the deal’s prospects for success or failure.
M&A clean rooms, also known as data rooms, allow enterprises to create a virtual or physical repository of all relevant organizational data, including spend data and other confidential information. A “clean team,” with an empowered group of third-party consultants operating under clearly defined terms, can swiftly and accurately analyze this data — which is then used to identify potential synergies and challenges, and make critical decisions that may impact the structure of the deal.
GEP helps enterprises set up an M&A data room and a clean team that ensures confidentiality for both sides. This process aids development of granular, ready-to-launch execution plans.
Greater Speed to Value
GEP’s M&A procurement services help you realize synergies more quickly and minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO). We have experts who know how to leverage key sourcing and procurement techniques, including strategic sourcing, vendor rationalization, strategic supplier relationship management, payment term optimization, demand management, spend consolidation, logistics and network optimization, among others.
Our M&A clean team will help you identify short- and long-term savings opportunities, create execution plans to achieve the savings, manage associated risks, help structure your new procurement organization, and develop effective system and process integration plans.
MAPS Assessment
A focused merger and acquisition procurement synergy (MAPS) assessment can be completed in seven to 10 weeks, depending upon data availability and merger scale, fast-tracking the process.
No matter how large or complex the scale of operations is, GEP's streamlined approach helps drive M&A procurement synergies in a strategic and cost-effective manner. Call us today.