real time sourcing auctions with gep smart real time sourcing auctions with gep smart

Leverage Real-Time Sourcing Auctions with GEP SMART

An auction can be a highly effective sourcing tool, if used right. Can your sourcing team get the desired results from auctions? 

With GEP SMART, you can create an auction in the same way you create an RFP and enable real-time bidding to organize an auction. You can pre-qualify your suppliers with a questionnaire using GEP SMART’s Supplier Information Management, and then select qualified suppliers to initiate a Request for Information (RFI). As all your sourcing events are linked together, you get the flexibility to decide the best sourcing strategy for achieving specific goals.

Do More with GEP SMART Unified Source-to-Pay Software

Spend Analysis

Understand spend quickly and easily. Move from line-item to enterprise-wide with a click. Optimize savings opportunities based on your sourcing strategy

Savings Tracking

Gain real-time visibility into your cost-savings initiatives and their impact. Eliminate redundancy and error from data capture, tracking and measurement


Quickly identify, evaluate and qualify new suppliers. Streamline your RFX-to-award cycle, achieve best-value agreements whenever you source

Contract Management

Reduce the time, effort and paper used to create, manage and monitor contracts. Boost contract utilization and increase spend compliance

Supplier Management

Monitor thousands of suppliers; use scorecards, surveys, alerts, status and summary reports; track, measure and optimize supplier performance


Boost adoption, increase spend under management with a consumer-like purchasing experience; improve compliance and reduce the req-to-pay cycle time