Next-Gen Supply Chains Next-Gen

AI isn’t the future. It’s here, now.

Thirty percent of businesses have invested in AI. Another 57% will do it in the next 12 months*.

From demand forecasting to inventory optimization, risk mitigation to sustainability, AI is set to transform everything.

But here’s the secret: success will only come from strong human-AI collaboration, reveals this new Economist Impact report.

The report answers key questions for procurement and supply chain professionals, including:

  • What will the AI-powered future look like?
  • Where will AI create most value?
  • Impact on jobs and shift in roles
  • Key challenges and pitfalls to avoid

Featuring insights from: Steve Armato, vice-president at Amazon; A.K. Karan, global senior director at Baxter International; Christopher Tang, professor at UCLA, and others.

It’s a must-read for forward-thinking procurement and supply chain leaders looking to harness the power of AI to achieve transformative results.

* Economist Impact and GEP survey between January and March of 2024 of 400 executives in the U.S. and Europe who were familiar with their company’s procurement and supply chain operations.

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