Emissions, Costs, Value: 3 Reasons Why O&G Companies Must Replace Legacy Equipment Emissions, Costs, Value: 3 Reasons Why O&G Companies Must Replace Legacy Equipment

Even as oil and gas companies are exploring new revenue streams and identifying opportunities for a low-carbon future, the pressure is mounting to reduce emissions urgently.

How can companies deliver on these expectations?

The new GEP bulletin, Emissions, Costs, Value: 3 Reasons Why O&G Companies Must Replace Legacy Equipment, looks at how changing equipment that’s been in use for over two decades can help companies reduce their scope 1 and 2 emissions by up to 70%. It further discusses how procurement and operations teams can identify and organize their asset footprint and make data-driven decisions to replace equipment.

What’s Inside:

  • Three key benefits of replacing legacy equipment
  • Adopting the total cost of ownership approach
  • Driving value through sustainable solutions

This paper is a must-read for procurement and business leaders in oil and gas who want to help their companies get leaner and greener.