March 02, 2016 | IT & Telecom
With an increasing demand for flexibility and agility, and the reducing capital dollars for IT assets, many enterprises will seek Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and the supply base for IaaS will continue to mature. When evaluated across critical capabilities, Amazon Web Services currently dominates the IaaS market.
Tightened Security
In 2016, network security will continue to challenge consumers, enterprises and even governments as hackers attempt to penetrate even the most sophisticated firewalls. Enterprises will have to continue investing in stronger, multi-layered security measures to protect sensitive information and customer data or strategic corporate data.
Big Data Analytics – Witnessing Rapid Growth
Big data analytics is maturing at a rapid pace as enterprises demand insightful, real-time analysis to capture new trends as they evolve or to develop capabilities of reacting to emergencies that require activation of alternative strategies. However, big data analytics require larger servers and powerful mainframes, capable of retaining huge amounts of data in memory to facilitate faster processing. Hence, growth in big data analytics can contribute to the growth of IaaS.
Computer Automation – Mitigating Higher IT Costs
In 2016, computer automation and robotics segment will target to deliver on the promise of greater operating efficiencies for IT integrated systems suppliers. Major providers will seek capabilities to resolve incidents without human intervention, replace code that is susceptible to problems and develop new applications with more automated functionality – each with the ultimate aim of mitigating higher IT labor costs. Procurement organizations need to assess which suppliers are making the heaviest investments and which are offering to pass these savings back over the life of the agreement.
For more trends and outlook on key categories and commodities, download your complimentary copy of the GEP Procurement Outlook Report 2016.