Leader — IDC MarketScape Procurement Applications 2023
For the third time in a row, GEP has been named a Leader in procurement applications in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Procurement Applications 2023 Vendor Assessment. Learn more.

Gartner Recognized GEP as a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Procure-to-Pay Suites
GEP, a leading provider of procurement and supply chain software, has been recognized for Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. This is the fourth consecutive year that GEP has received this Leader recognition from Gartner for our P2P. Learn more.

Winner — Best Technology Partnership - Best Use of Digital Technology, 100 CPO Forum Awards 2022
GEP has won the U.A.E.-based 100 CPO Forum Awards 2022 jointly with GIG Gulf, one of the largest insurance groups in the Middle East. The two teams won this award in the category Best Technology Partnership - Best Use of Digital Technology for their collaborative work in standardizing and transforming source-to-contract processes and operations at GIG Gulf with GEP’s unified procurement platform GEP SMART. The 100 CPO Forum Awards recognizes global companies for innovative procurement and supply chain achievements that enhance organizational agility, efficiency and resilience.

Value Leader — Spend Matters' Fall 2022 SolutionMap for Procurement Technology
GEP has been named a Value Leader—the highest ranking—in the nine most critical categories in the Spend Matters Fall 2022 SolutionMap, which ranks supply chain and procurement technology based on technical scores and customer satisfaction. Learn more.

GEP Named to ‘50 Providers to Know’ List by Spend Matters
For the ninth consecutive year, GEP has been named to Spend Matters’ “50 Providers to Know” list, which recognizes the industry-leading technology and services providers in the supply chain and procurement industry. Learn more.

GEP Is a Leader in the SPARK Matrix™: Procurement Services 2022 Report
GEP has been named a Leader in the Quadrant Knowledge Solutions SPARK Matrix™: Procurement Services 2022 report, citing our superior “customer impact” and “service excellence.” This is the third time this year that GEP has been named a Leader in procurement services by an independent research firm. Learn more.

GEP Is a Leader and a Star Performer Among Procurement Outsourcing Providers
For the tenth consecutive year, Everest Group has named GEP both a Leader and a Star Performer in the Procurement Outsourcing Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022. Learn more.

Winner — Best Use of Digital Technology, CIPS Excellence in Procurement Awards 2022
GEP has won the CIPS Excellence in Procurement Awards 2022 in the Best Use of Digital Technology category. A benchmark for excellence, the CIPS award is one of the most prestigious recognitions an organization in the procurement and supply chain space can win. The GEP team won this award for transforming the indirect procurement operations of a leading retail chain across thousands of stores through automation and by replacing the company’s decades-old homegrown software with GEP SMART’s procure-to-pay solution.

Vincitore - Migliore iniziativa nella costruzione di una base di fornitori diversificata, CIPS Asia Excellence in Procurement Awards 2022
GEP ha vinto agli apprezzati CIPS Asia Excellence in Procurement Awards 2022 insieme a L’Oréal nella categoria Migliore iniziativa nella costruzione di una base di fornitori diversificata. Il CIPS award è un punto di riferimento di eccellenza e tra i più prestigiosi riconoscimenti per le organizzazioni e i singoli del settore degli acquisti e della supply chain nella regione Asia-Pacifico. Il team L'Oréal-GEP è stato premiato per aver implementato con successo un progetto sulla diversità dei fornitori e aver superato gli obiettivi prefissati. Il programma ha consentito a persone provenienti da comunità svantaggiate di entrare a far parte della rete di fornitori di L’Oréal Cina.

Vincitore — Top Supply Chain Projects Award 2022, SDCE
Supply & Demand Chain Executive ha assegnato a GEP il premio Top Supply Chain Projects Award per il 2022. Il SDCE award premia i progetti di trasformazione innovativi e di successo che offrono valore aggiunto alle piccole, medie e grandi imprese in una vasta gamma di funzioni della supply chain. GEP ha ricevuto l’onorificenza per aver semplificato e automatizzato le operazioni procure-to-pay di un importante rivenditore operante negli acquisti indiretti, grazie all’implementazione di GEP SMART in sostituzione del suo software per gli acquisti interno.
GEP aiuta le aziende multinazionali a operare in modo più efficiente ed efficace, ottenere un vantaggio competitivo, aumentare la redditività e massimizzare il valore aziendale e per gli azionisti. Ogni giorno, in tutto il mondo, GEP aiuta le imprese orientate alla performance a raggiungere i propri obiettivi strategici, operativi e finanziari.